Who Receives Lai See?
The general rule of thumb with Lai See is that it’s given from a senior to a junior. For example, a resident to a doorman, a boss to his employee, parents to children, and, in a solidly Chinese twist, from married couples to single friends.
People you might think about if you’re in Hong Kong, are the doormen at your hotel, if you’re a long term guest, or a waiter at a restaurant you’re using regularly. If you’re boss of a company, you’re staff will be expecting Lai See and you should find someone who can advise you on the firms past Lai See payments. Outside Hong Kong, those who regularly eat at a Chinese run Chinese restaurant will find their waiter thoroughly appreciative of a small Lai See package. This is a good way to bag yourself excellent service for the next year. Similarly, giving Lai See to service staff at other Chinese run businesses, such as laundries or medicine shops, can ensure you first rate service over the coming twelve months.
If I Give, How Much Should I Give and How?
Lai See amounts vary wildly depending on who is the giver and the recipient. There is no hard and fast rule. HK$100 ($13) for doormen and waiters is fine. Bosses, parents, and couples giving to single friends are generally expected to give a little more.
The money should be given in a single note, not in multiple notes and should certainly never contain any coins. The notes used should also be new, and Hong Kongers often queue at the bank for hours in the days up leading up to Chinese New Year to obtain fresh notes. The custom is said to show that the giver was thinking about the receiver of the Lai See, whereas if they’re given used notes, it’s believed they were forgotten about.
It’s also worth noting that the Cantonese word for four sounds like the Cantonese word for death, so HK$40 or HK$400 are considered bad luck. The total money given should also be an even number not an odd one, as odd numbers are for funerals. So, HK$100, not HK$105.